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Safety Academy USA is dedicated to providing the highest level of training available,tailored to fit individual, corporate, and agency needs. Our instructors have over 27 years experience teaching civilians and the law enforcement community. We offer two locations or can train at your location. Private and group training is offered.

Massachusetts Basic Firearms Safety Class

gun training

This five-hour course presented in a classroom setting and taught by our Massachusetts State Police Certified Instructors.

The Application process is explained in detail, including reason for application and desired license.

Minimum age for attendance is 15 Years of age with parent or guardian consent.

Private, Group, Corporate, and your location classes available

License to Carry Firearms (LTC A): This is a may-issue photo and fingerprint card, renewable every six years Class “A” LTC will cover purchase, possession or transportation and carrying of all handguns, rifles and shotguns. Loaded firearms must be under the direct control while in a vehicle. Class C. Firearms Identification Card (FID): Photo and fingerprint card, renewable every six years. This card covers the purchase, possession or transportation of non-large capacity rifles or shotguns, ammunition therefore or chemical sprays.

Pistol Parts and Operation


Using a Pistol Safely

Operating a Pistol

Cleaning, Storing, and Transporting a Pistol

Shooting Fundamentals

Various Shooting Positions

Improving and Maintaining Shooting Skills

Massachusetts Laws Pertaining to Permit Application, Firearms Storage and Transportation

Civilian Pepper Spray Class

Pepper Spray Training & Sales

Pepper Spray Training

Class Curriculum
• Class Covers
• What is Pepper Spray, why it is not Mace?
• Identify the effects of OC
• Identify types of OC delivery systems
• Decontamination after use
• Legal justification for Pepper Spray
• Students will go through different scenarios using inert spray on the Instructor.
• Students are not sprayed with inert or live Pepper Spray

Basic Self defense

Situational awareness to avoid a conflict
• Upon completion of class all students 18years of age or older will receive a live can of pepper spray similar to the inert spray used in class. Students 14-17 years of age and upon completion can apply for an FID Pepper Spray license to legally possess Pepper Spray. The class is for 3 hours and can be taken at Safety Academy USA in Beverly or at your location.


This class is taught by Mike Pelonzi who has been a Firearms, Defensive Tactics, and Chemical Munitions Instructor for 25 years.

NRA Refuse To Be A Victim

NRA Refuse to be a victim

The single most important step toward ensuring your own safety is having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it. NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® program teaches the tips and techniques you need to be alerted to dangerous situations and to avoid becoming a victim. Seminars are held across the nation and are open to men and women of all ages. Today, hundreds of federal, state and local law enforcement officials from across the nation utilize this popular program in their crime prevention and community policing initiatives. Corporations, educational institutions and community centers have also adopted the program. All told, more than 100,000 people have benefited from these seminars.

Live Fire Training Revolver, Semi Auto Pistol, Shotgun

Firearms Training

New gun owners seeking familiarity and comfort,with their new Firearm or Shotgun. Along with experienced shooters looking to fine tune their skills. This course covers the Grip, Stance, Sight Picture, and Trigger Control. Safely loading and unloading with out pulling the trigger. Students will also learn how to field strip their gun and clean it. Eye and Ear protection is required. At least 100 rounds of ammunition. 200 rounds is recommended. Appropriate clothing and foot ware.

Virtual Shooting Simulator

Shooting Simulator

A highly interactive learning experience in a climate controlled environment. Work with one of our instructors to fine tune your shooting skills. Practice on your own choosing over 100 targets and scenarios in our state of the art shooting simulator. Our handguns, revolvers, and rifles react like the real thing without the expense of using live ammunition.  From paper targets, steel shooting competition, or the bad guys shooting back at you right up to 50 zombies. Parties, and Shooting Clubs welcome.

Red Cross First Aid, CPR, AED

Red Cross First Aid CPR AED

The Adult,Child,Infant First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and cold emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies.

Participants will receive a Certificate and Certification card valid for 2 years

  • High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants

  • The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components

  • Important early use of an AED

  • Effective ventilations using a barrier device

  • Importance of teams in multirescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multirescuer CPR

  • Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants

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